Carry a Column of Water
You will need: Glass of water, drinking straw.
pressure is used in many ways for pumping and moving water. Here is a means of
moving a column of water.
a drinking straw in a glass of water and suck at the straw. First, you remove
the air, and air pressure then forces water up in the straw. When water has
reached your mouth, place a finger on the top end of the straw as you remove it
from your mouth.
your finger in position, raise the straw from the glass. Trapped inside the
straw, and retained there by air pressure, will be a slender column of water.
Release your finger from the end of the straw, thus
allowing air to reach the top of the column, and the water will run from the
sure that the glass is in correct position to receive the falling column of
Children learn best through doing
Before children can
understand a thing, they need experience: seeing, touching, hearing, tasting,
smelling; choosing, arranging, putting things together, taking things apart.
Experimenting with real things.
Old-time school teaching
used only words and the teachers thought children knew something if they could
repeat it. Now we know better. To reach practical understanding we do not need
to use many words with young children.
Children are
clever. They learn a lot, without being taught. The greatest skill - to be able
to talk, to communicate is learnt outside school. In the classroom it's the
children who need to talk the most. Unfortunately it is the teacher who does
most of the talking!
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