Budget Planning
The secret of managing money well is in planning. Budget is only a
plan for spending. It helps to meet necessary expenses and help to afford to
buy extras one wants to buy and save. It also helps to avoid over spending.
There is no single pattern for spending and saving that suits everyone. Income
differs, needs and wants must be taken into account, and expenses differ. This
means that each person must make his own plan. Following are some general
suggestions for planning your budget.
A budget should eventually be planned to cover expenditures and
savings for a year
To get started you can plan month by month. At the end of the
first year the records and experience may help to plan more wisely for the next
First estimate your total income. This includes mortgage or rent
payment, electricity, food insurance, loan payment and transport costs
Next keep a record of your expenditures for atleast a month before
you start to work out your budget. Such a record will give a picture of how you spend your money
and will help you plan your spending
Determine the amount that will be required for fixed expenses.
These items include rent, utilities, insurance payments, direct taxes such as
property and wage, car payments and other instalment payment. List them and
plan how much money to spend for them
Then estimate the cost of other necessary expenses such as food,
clothing, transportation, health care and personal care
The remainder of the income must cover all other items in the
budget. These are the items that represent a person’s particular interests and
desires such as education, recreation, contributions, hobbies, gifts and
Do not make the mistake of planning to save money that is left
over. It is improbable that anything will be left to save. Plan the amount that
you intend to save at the same time you budget all other items
Record your individual budget plan – don’t trust memory
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