Browning in vegetables
and fruits
You might have seen
apples, pears, potatoes and brinjal that turn brown in color when peeled or cut
open. Have you ever thought about it? What is the reason behind this color
change? That's because of a naturally occurring process called Oxidation.
Enzymatic browning is
an oxidative reaction responsible for browning in vegetables and fruits. When
the skin of vegetables and fruits are either cut or broken, cell wall gets
ruptured and an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase is released and reacts with
the oxygen in the air. As a result vegetables and fruits turn brown or dark
leading to changes in flavour and nutritional values.
There are ways to
prevent fruits and vegetable from getting oxidized with the following methods.
Squeeze lime juice on fruits such as banana, apples, avocado,
pears and vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes to prevent oxidative
browning. The juice of other citrus fruits such as oranges and grape fruits can
also be used.
Soak the cut fruits or vegetables in plain water which helps to
slow down the oxidation process.
Blanching fruits or vegetables also prevents browning.
Wrapping in a cling wrap tightly is also a good way to prevent
Most important, do not use a rusty knife or any other iron
metals because iron will increase the rate of reaction
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