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Chapter: SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS & AMUSEMENTS FOR CHILDREN BY CHARLES VIVIAN. Simple Technical Steped Practical Projects for school and college students.

Blowing the Air Away

Blowing the Air Away
You will need: Paper, scissors. SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS & AMUSEMENTS FOR CHILDREN BY CHARLES VIVIAN. Simple Technical Steped Practical Projects for school and college students.

Blowing the Air Away


You will need: Paper, scissors.

Although we cannot see the air which surrounds us it is possible to feel it. Clap your hands in front of your face and you will feel a slight gust of wind. This is the air which has been displaced by bringing your hands sharply together.


Another way of removing air is by blowing it out of the way. This can be done in the following manner.


Cut two strips of paper. Take a piece in each hand and hold them both in front of you so that they are about 5 or 6 inches apart. Now blow steadily between the two sheets of paper.


You may think that by blowing in this fashion you will send the strips of paper farther apart. This will not be so. As you blow between them, the two pieces of paper will move in toward each other until they almost touch.


This is because your action of blowing has removed some of the air between the strips of paper thus causing an area of low pressure at this place. As a result, the outer air forces the strips of paper together.

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SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS & AMUSEMENTS FOR CHILDREN BY CHARLES VIVIAN. Simple Technical Steped Practical Projects for school and college students. : Blowing the Air Away |

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