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Chapter: Learning Science through Activities and Toys SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS & AMUSEMENTS FOR CHILDREN BY CHARLES VIVIAN. Simple Technical Steped Practical Projects for school and college students.

Balancing Beam

Balancing Beam
Learning Science through Activities and Toys. SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS & AMUSEMENTS FOR CHILDREN BY CHARLES VIVIAN. Simple Technical Steped Practical Projects for school and college students.

Balancing Beam


The Balancing Beam is another remarkable experiment. This involves the balancing of 12 large nails (10-cm) on the tip of another nail. This is easily done. First put one nail on the table. Then put 10 nails across it - 5 heads facing one way, and 5 the other. Then place another nail along (and top) of the first nail. The whole assembly of 11 nails can now be lifted with both hands and placed on the head of the 12th nail which is vertically nailed in a piece of wood. The great thing about this self-supporting roof is the simplicity of assembly. It can be done anywhere with very little money.


Children learn best through doing



Before children can understand a thing, they need experience: seeing, touching, hearing, tasting, smelling; choosing, arranging, putting things together, taking things apart. Experimenting with real things.


Old-time school teaching used only words and the teachers thought children knew something if they could repeat it. Now we know better. To reach practical understanding we do not need to use many words with young children.


Children are clever. They learn a lot, without being taught. The greatest skill - to be able to talk, to communicate is learnt outside school. In the classroom it's the children who need to talk the most. Unfortunately it is the teacher who does most of the talking!


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Learning Science through Activities and Toys SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS & AMUSEMENTS FOR CHILDREN BY CHARLES VIVIAN. Simple Technical Steped Practical Projects for school and college students. : Balancing Beam |

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Learning Science through Activities and Toys SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS & AMUSEMENTS FOR CHILDREN BY CHARLES VIVIAN. Simple Technical Steped Practical Projects for school and college students.

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