Skin Infections
Bacterial infections of skin and soft tissue
= Superficial infection involving
the epidermis
Most common in children during
summer months
Non-bullous impetigo:
o = Streptococcal impetigo
o Vesicles on erythematous base ® pustules (highly contagious) ® yellow-brown scabs (CRUSTY), associated with regional lymphadenopathy
o Ecthyma is deeper version – cut out edge
o Commonly result of skin break such as insect bites or chicken pox. Especially if overcrowding and warmer climates
o Goes for limbs and face
o Fever uncommon. Check lymph nodes
o Caused by Streptococcus Pyogenes with or without co-infection with
Staphlococcus Aureus (can ® Scalded Skin Syndrome)
o Commonest cause of post-strep glomerulonephritis
Bullous impetigo:
o Due to Staph aureus of phage II (usually type 71)
o Usually younger children
o Lesions: begin as vesicles – turn into flaccid bullae in response to
toxins. Following rupture of the bullae, a moist red surface remains and
varnish like crust appears
Neonatal Impetigo: Staph Aureus.
Can spread to deeper tissues, umbilicus, bone and joints. If only one site,
antiseptic bath once a day. If > 1 site then systemic antibiotics
o To relieve symptoms, stop new lesions, prevent complications (e.g.
cellulitis, acute glomerulonephritis), and stop spread to others
o Flucloxacillin, dicloxacillin, a cephalosporin, erythromycin or clindamycin are all effective
o If MRSA: usually susceptible to co-trimoxazole (although not so good
against S Pyogenes). Resistance to fusidic acid is also growing
o Resistance is growing to topical agents (e.g. Mupirocin)
Due to staph aureus toxin (may be
distant site)
Skin peels off with little
pressure – skin looks abnormal – damage from within
Commonest in infancy
Treatment: flucloxacillin plus
burn treatment (including fluid balance)
Pyoderma located within the hair
Usually caused by S aureus
Responds well to topical
antibacterial measures
= A „boil‟
A deep inflammatory nodule
In skin areas subject to friction
and perspiration and containing hair follicles
· Often drain spontaneously, especially with moist heat
· If recurrent, then ?nasal carriage of S aureus. Treat with topical intranasal mupirocin or systemic rifampicin
May progress to a carbuncle: more
extensive involving subcutaneous fat. If surrounding cellulitis or if on face
then need iv antibiotics
Infection of subcutaneous layer
by Strep Pyogenes
· Symptoms: inflammation, warmth, erythema, pain, fever
Can ® sepsis,
bullae and small abscesses
Also erythema around anus with
puss and blood in stool
May desquamate
· Impaired lymphatic drainage predisposes to recurrent cellulitis (e.g. pelvic, joint, breast surgery)
Erysipelas is a distinctive
superficial cellulitis, primarily involves dermis. Raised and well demarcated.
Prominent lymphatic involvement. May ® chills, fever and malaise
Treatment: S Pyogenes still very
susceptible to penicillin
Due to neuropathy, ischaemia, and
Causes: often S aureus, also
coagulase negative staphylococci and streptococci
Often nasal carriage of S aureus
Treatment: anti-staphylococcal
agents. IV treatment if deep tissues or
bone involvement
· Necrotising Fasciitis: See Streptococcus Pyogenes (Group A, b Haemolytic)
· Superficial necrotising cellulitis or streptococcal gangrene (rare)
Gas Gangrene (Clostridial
myonecrosis): rapidly progressive and life threatening infection of muscle due
to Clostridium Perfringens
NB: Lancefield Groups only apply
to b Haemolytic Streps
o Commonly: acute pharyngitis, cellulitis, impetigo (also caused by group
o Uncommonly: necrotising fasciitis (haemolytic strep gangrene), strep
toxic shock syndrome, scarlet fever, erysipelas (= contagious skin infection
with strep pyogenes), acute otitis media
o Rarely: pneumonia, infective endocarditis
Has remained sensitive to
Identical strep can lead to a
variety of infections:
o Sore throat
o Impetigo/Cellulitis.
o Toxic Shock Syndrome
o Myositis
o Necrotising Fasciitis
Infection via throat (mainly) or
via skin (impetigo/wound infection):
o Suppurative: tissue invasion
o Non-suppurative (after 2 – 8 weeks):
§ Rheumatic Fever
§ Glomerulonephritis
o Super antigens: pyogenic exotoxins – ability to avoid classical antigen
processing by APCs
May require drainage. Distinguish from lymphadenopathy
Usually Staph aureus, also TB
· See Cervical Lumps
Desquamation a week later
· Clean carefully (may need local anaesthetic)
Treat with broad-spectrum
antibiotic. Amoxycillin/clavulanate. NNT = 14. So limit to high risk of
infection only. Consider anaerobe cover (eg metronidazole)
Screen for post-traumatic stress
disorder afterwards
Report the dog
Tick borne spirochete (Borrelia
Gives erythema migrans, headache,
fever, myalgia, fatigue
Leads later to widespread
systemic manifestations
Discovered in Connecticut,
USA. No in NZ
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