Astable Multivibrator
With out
reducing RA = 0 ohm, the astable multivibrator can be used to
produce square wave output. Simply by connecting diode D across Resistor RB.
The capacitor C charges through RA & diode D to approximately 2/3
Vcc & discharges through RB& Q1 until the capacitor voltage
equals approximately 1/3 Vcc, then the cycle repeats.
To obtain
a square wave output, RA must be a combination of a fixed resistor &
potentiometer so that the potentiometer can be adjusted for the exact square
Free – running Ramp generator:
The astablemultivibrator can be used as a free –
running ramp generator when resistor RA& RB are replaced by a current
The current mirror starts charging capacitor C
toward Vcc at a constant rate.
When voltage across C equals to 2/3 Vcc, upper comparator turns transistor
Q1 ON & C rapidly discharges through transistor Q1.
When voltage across C equals to 1/3 Vcc, lower comparator switches
transistor OFF & then capacitor C starts charging up again..
Thus the charge – discharge cycle keeps repeating.
The discharging time of the capacitor is relatively
negligible compared to its charging time.
The time period of the ramp waveform is equal to
the charging time & is approximately is given by,
T = VccC/3IC
………………………… (1)
= (Vcc - VBE)/R = constant current
the free – running frequency of ramp generator is
= 3IC/ Vcc C ……………………….(2)
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