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Chapter: Linear Integrated Ciruits : Spical ICs

Astable Multivibrator Applications and Ramp generator

With out reducing RA = 0 ohm, the astable multivibrator can be used to produce square wave output.

Astable Multivibrator


With out reducing RA = 0 ohm, the astable multivibrator can be used to produce square wave output. Simply by connecting diode D across Resistor RB. The capacitor C charges through RA & diode D to approximately 2/3 Vcc & discharges through RB& Q1 until the capacitor voltage equals approximately 1/3 Vcc, then the cycle repeats.


To obtain a square wave output, RA must be a combination of a fixed resistor & potentiometer so that the potentiometer can be adjusted for the exact square wave.


Free – running Ramp generator:


·           The astablemultivibrator can be used as a free – running ramp generator when resistor RA& RB are replaced by a current mirror.


·           The current mirror starts charging capacitor C toward Vcc at a constant rate.


·           When voltage across C equals to 2/3 Vcc, upper comparator turns transistor Q1 ON & C rapidly discharges through transistor Q1.


·           When voltage across C equals to 1/3 Vcc, lower comparator switches transistor OFF & then capacitor C starts charging up again..


·           Thus the charge – discharge cycle keeps repeating.


·           The discharging time of the capacitor is relatively negligible compared to its charging time.


·           The time period of the ramp waveform is equal to the charging time & is approximately is given by,


T = VccC/3IC ………………………… (1)


IC = (Vcc - VBE)/R = constant current


Therefore the free – running frequency of ramp generator is

f0 = 3IC/ Vcc C ……………………….(2)


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