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Chapter: 9th Science : Hardware and Software

Types of Software

The software is divided into two types based on the process. They are: 1. System software (Operating System) 2. Application software

Types of Software

The software is divided into two types based on the process. They are:

1. System software (Operating System)

2. Application software


1. System software

System software (Operating system) is a software that makes the hardware devices process the data fed by the user and to display the result on the output devices like Monitor. Without the operating system, computer cannot function on its own. Some of the popular operating system are Linux, Windows, Mac, Android etc.


2. Application Software

Application software is a program or a group of programs designed for the benefit of end user to work on computer. The application programs can be installed in the hard disk for the usage on a particular computer. This type of application program completes one or more than one works of the end user. The following are the examples of application program: Video player, Audio player, Word processing software, Drawing tools, Editing software, etc.


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