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Chapter: Fundamentals of Database Systems : Object, Object-Relational, and XML: Concepts, Models, Languages, and Standards : XML: Extensible Markup Language

Structured, Semistructured, and Unstructured Data

The information stored in databases is known as structured data because it is represented in a strict format.

Structured, Semistructured, and Unstructured Data


The information stored in databases is known as structured data because it is represented in a strict format. For example, each record in a relational database table— such as each of the tables in the COMPANY database in Figure 3.6—follows the same format as the other records in that table. For structured data, it is common to care-fully design the database schema using techniques such as those described in Chapters 7 and 8 in order to define the database structure. The DBMS then checks to ensure that all data follows the structures and constraints specified in the schema.


However, not all data is collected and inserted into carefully designed structured databases. In some applications, data is collected in an ad hoc manner before it is known how it will be stored and managed. This data may have a certain structure, but not all the information collected will have the identical structure. Some attrib-utes may be shared among the various entities, but other attributes may exist only in a few entities. Moreover, additional attributes can be introduced in some of the newer data items at any time, and there is no predefined schema. This type of data is known as semistructured data. A number of data models have been introduced for representing semistructured data, often based on using tree or graph data structures rather than the flat relational model structures.


A key difference between structured and semistructured data concerns how the schema constructs (such as the names of attributes, relationships, and entity types) are handled. In semistructured data, the schema information is mixed in with the data values, since each data object can have different attributes that are not known in advance. Hence, this type of data is sometimes referred to as self-describing data. Consider the following example. We want to collect a list of bibliographic references related to a certain research project. Some of these may be books or technical reports, others may be research articles in journals or conference proceedings, and still others may refer to complete journal issues or conference proceedings. Clearly, each of these may have different attributes and different types of information. Even for the same type of reference—say, conference articles—we may have different information. For example, one article citation may be quite complete, with full information about author names, title, proceedings, page numbers, and so on, whereas another citation may not have all the information available. New types of bibliographic sources may appear in the future—for instance, references to Web pages or to conference tutori-als—and these may have new attributes that describe them.


Semistructured data may be displayed as a directed graph, as shown in Figure 12.1. The information shown in Figure 12.1 corresponds to some of the structured data shown in Figure 3.6. As we can see, this model somewhat resembles the object model (see Section 11.1.3) in its ability to represent complex objects and nested structures. In Figure 12.1, the labels or tags on the directed edges represent the schema names: the names of attributes, object types (or entity types or classes), and relationships. The internal nodes represent individual objects or composite attrib-utes. The leaf nodes represent actual data values of simple (atomic) attributes.


There are two main differences between the semistructured model and the object model that we discussed in Chapter 11:


        The schema information—names of attributes, relationships, and classes (object types) in the semistructured model is intermixed with the objects and their data values in the same data structure.


        In the semistructured model, there is no requirement for a predefined schema to which the data objects must conform, although it is possible to define a schema if necessary.


In addition to structured and semistructured data, a third category exists, known as unstructured data because there is very limited indication of the type of data. A typical example is a text document that contains information embedded within it. Web pages in HTML that contain some data are considered to be unstructured data. Consider part of an HTML file, shown in Figure 12.2. Text that appears between angled brackets, <...>, is an HTML tag. A tag with a slash, </...>, indicates an end tag, which represents the ending of the effect of a matching start tag. The tags mark

Figure 12.2


Part of an HTML document representing unstructured data.












<H1>List of company projects and the employees in each project</H1> <H2>The ProductX project:</H2>

<TABLE width=“100%” border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <TR>

<TD width=“50%”><FONT size=“2” face=“Arial”>John Smith:</FONT></TD> <TD>32.5 hours per week</TD>





<TD width=“50%”><FONT size=“2” face=“Arial”>Joyce English:</FONT></TD> <TD>20.0 hours per week</TD>





<H2>The ProductY project:</H2>


<TABLE width=“100%” border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <TR>

<TD width=“50%”><FONT size=“2” face=“Arial”>John Smith:</FONT></TD> <TD>7.5 hours per week</TD>





<TD width=“50%”><FONT size=“2” face=“Arial”>Joyce English:</FONT></TD> <TD>20.0 hours per week</TD>





<TD width= “50%”><FONT size=“2” face=“Arial”>Franklin Wong:</FONT></TD> <TD>10.0 hours per week</TD>











up the document in order to instruct an HTML processor how to display the text between a start tag and a matching end tag. Hence, the tags specify document for-matting rather than the meaning of the various data elements in the document. HTML tags specify information, such as font size and style (boldface, italics, and so on), color, heading levels in documents, and so on. Some tags provide text structur-ing in documents, such as specifying a numbered or unnumbered list or a table. Even these structuring tags specify that the embedded textual data is to be displayed in a certain manner, rather than indicating the type of data represented in the table.


HTML uses a large number of predefined tags, which are used to specify a variety of commands for formatting Web documents for display. The start and end tags spec-ify the range of text to be formatted by each command. A few examples of the tags shown in Figure 12.2 follow:


        The <HTML> ... </HTML> tags specify the boundaries of the document.


        The document header information—within the <HEAD> ... </HEAD> tags—specifies various commands that will be used elsewhere in the docu-ment. For example, it may specify various script functions in a language such as JavaScript or PERL, or certain formatting styles (fonts, paragraph styles, header styles, and so on) that can be used in the document. It can also specify a title to indicate what the HTML file is for, and other similar infor-mation that will not be displayed as part of the document.


        The body of the document—specified within the <BODY> ... </BODY> tags—includes the document text and the markup tags that specify how the text is to be formatted and displayed. It can also include references to other objects, such as images, videos, voice messages, and other documents.


        The <H1> ... </H1> tags specify that the text is to be displayed as a level 1 heading. There are many heading levels (<H2>, <H3>, and so on), each dis-playing text in a less prominent heading format.


        The <TABLE> ... </TABLE> tags specify that the following text is to be dis-played as a table. Each table row in the table is enclosed within <TR> ...


</TR> tags, and the individual table data elements in a row are displayed within <TD> ... </TD> tags.

        Some tags may have attributes, which appear within the start tag and describe additional properties of the tag.


In Figure 12.2, the <TABLE> start tag has four attributes describing various characteristics of the table. The following <TD> and <FONT> start tags have one and two attributes, respectively.


HTML has a very large number of predefined tags, and whole books are devoted to describing how to use these tags. If designed properly, HTML documents can be formatted so that humans are able to easily understand the document contents, and are able to navigate through the resulting Web documents. However, the source HTML text documents are very difficult to interpret automatically by computer pro-grams because they do not include schema information about the type of data in the documents. As e-commerce and other Internet applications become increasingly automated, it is becoming crucial to be able to exchange Web documents among various computer sites and to interpret their contents automatically. This need was one of the reasons that led to the development of XML. In addition, an extendible version of HTML called XHTML was developed that allows users to extend the tags of HTML for different applications, and allows an XHTML file to be interpreted by standard XML processing programs. Our discussion will focus on XML only.


The example in Figure 12.2 illustrates a static HTML page, since all the information to be displayed is explicitly spelled out as fixed text in the HTML file. In many cases, some of the information to be displayed may be extracted from a database. For example, the project names and the employees working on each project may be extracted from the database in Figure 3.6 through the appropriate SQL query. We may want to use the same HTML formatting tags for displaying each project and the employees who work on it, but we may want to change the particular projects (and employees) being displayed. For example, we may want to see a Web page displaying the information for ProjectX, and then later a page displaying the information for ProjectY. Although both pages are displayed using the same HTML formatting tags, the actual data items displayed will be different. Such Web pages are called dynamic, since the data parts of the page may be different each time it is displayed, even though the display appearance is the same.


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Fundamentals of Database Systems : Object, Object-Relational, and XML: Concepts, Models, Languages, and Standards : XML: Extensible Markup Language : Structured, Semistructured, and Unstructured Data |

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