Ways of subtracting
We shall learn some tricks in
subtraction also.
1. We shall use the subtraction table to subtract small numbers
2. Some facts in
subtracting 0 from a number
A number remains the same when you
subtract 0 from it
Subtracting 1 from a number
When 1 is subtracted from a number, it
gives a number before that number.
Subtracting 2 from a number
When 2 is Subtracted from a number,
the numbers moves backward 2 steps
Subtracting 10 from a number
When 10 is Subtracted from a number its ones place remains the same and digit in 10 place is decreased by 1 i.e., moves to the previous number.
3. Subtracting same numbers
Subtracting a number from itself will give the
difference 0.
Find the difference of 978−978 = 0
4. Subtracting numbers
ending with 0
Subtract 1 from both numbers and then do the actual
Find the difference of 340 − 229
Find the difference of 1000−574
As we subtract 1 from both the numbers
the answer of the new numbers and question are same.
Subtract the given numbers using the above
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