My Amazing Body (Term 1 Chapter 2 | 2nd EVS Environmental Science)
1. Complete the sentences
using the words given in the brackets.
( looks, sound, smell, feels, tastes )
a) Honey tastes sweet.
b) A feather feels soft.
c) A Jasmine has a pleasant smell.
d) A flower garden looks beautiful.
e) The cuckoo makes a musical sound.
2. Write ‘L‛ for those
that make loud sounds and ‘S‘ for those that make soft sounds.
3. Match the following.
a. Sugar -- salty
b. Lemon -- sweet
c. Chilli -- sour
d. Sea water -- spicy
a. Sugar – sweet
b. Lemon – sour
c. Chilli – spicy
d. Sea water - salty
4. Put a tick (✓) in the appropriate columns. (Can be in more than
one column)
5. Put a tick (✓) for the correct posture and a cross (X) for the
incorrect posture.
6. Name the joints. (Ankle, Knee, Wrist, Elbow)
Ans : Wrist, Elbow, Ankle, Knee
Self Evaluation
* I can do various actions using my body
in a correct way
* I
know the movements of different joints in my body
* I
can describe objects known through my sense organs
* I can identify some stages of growth
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