A) Answer
the following:
1. How does the poet describe
her computer?
Answer: The poet describes her
computer as very intelligent and smart. The computer seems to know a lot of
information by heart.
2. What happened to the computer?
Answer: The computer was
behaving badly, forgets to save and store anything. A virus has got into it and
it became sick.
3. List four things that the
computer could not do after it became absent-minded
(a) The computer
forgets to save the poet’s work.
(b) It doesn’t check
her spellings.
(c) It hides all her
(d) It makes her work
vanish in the most dreadful way.
4. What made the poet squirm?
Answer: When the computer
actually gobbled a worm, a virus, it behaved unsteadily. So the poet squirmed.
5. Why did the poet call the
Answer: The computer caught a
virus and fell very sick. So the poet had to call a doctor.
B) Fill in the blanks.
1. Computers are brainy and smart.
2. We get answers for questions
by a click.
3. The computer forgot to save the poet's work.
4. The computer actually gobbled
a worm.
5. The poet feels that his
computer needs a holiday.
C. Pick out the rhyming words from the poem.
Smart - Answer: heart
click - Answer: quick
right - Answer: sight
sick - Answer: quick
Match the poetic lines with Figures of speech
1) So brainy
– personification
2) Mountains
– personification
3) It's so absent
minded – hyperbole
4) Computer
gobbled a worm – metaphor
5) Very sick
– metaphor
Ans [1.(d), 2.(c), 3.(a), 4.(b), 5.(e)]
1. So brainy - (d)
2. Mountains - (c)
3. Its so absent
minded - (a) personification
4. Computer gobbled a
worm - (b) personification
5. Very sick - (e)
E) Find the
alliterating words from the poem
1) Save - Answer: store
2) Doctor - Answer: double
3) Virus - Answer: very
4) makes - Answer: most
5) Gobbled - Answer: Govindan
I. Poem Comprehension:
1. My computer has
always been so brainy and smart –
It seems to know
mountains of information by heart.
(a) What has the computer always
been to the poet?
Answer: The computer had
always been so brainy and smart.
(b) Why does the poet use the word
Answer: She had used this word
to insist that the computer knows a lot of information.
(c) What do you mean by ‘brainy’.
Answer: ‘Brainy’ means
It forgets to ‘save’ my work, and store it away,
And instead, makes it
vanish in the most dreadful way.
(a) What does the computer forget?
Answer: The computer forgets
to save the poet’s work.
(b) What vanishes in the most
dreadful way?
Answer: Her works vanish in
the most dreadful way.
(c) What do you mean by the word
Answer: “Dreadful” means
II. Poem Appreciation:
1. If I type in a question, and give my mouse a click,
My computer always
gives me the answer really quick!
(a) Pick out the rhyming words.
Answer: click - quick are the rhyming
(b) Name the alliterated words.
Answer: my - mouse are the alliterated words.
2. And one day, my naughty computer actually gobbled a worm,
And behaved so
erratically that it made me squirm.
(a) What is the figure of speech
used here?
Answer: Personification is
used here. The computer is given human traits. It gobbled a worm.
(b) Pick out the alliterated words.
Answer: made - me are the alliterated words.
II. Very Short
Questions and Answers:
1. What do you mean by phrase
“mountains of information”?
Answer: It means a lot of
2. Who is absept-minded?
Answer: The poet’s computer is
3. What do you mean by the word
Answer: “Erratically” means
“unsteadily or unpredictably”.
4. Why did the computer fall very
sick according to the poet?
Answer: The computer fell very
sick because it caught a virus.
5. What vanished from the poet’s
Answer: Files vanished from
the poet’s sight.
III. Short Questions
and Answers:
1. What happened one day?
Answer: One day, the poets
computer actually gobbled a worm that was a virus and behaved so unsteadily.
This made the poet discomfort.
2. Why did the poet call a doctor?
Answer: The poet called in a
doctor to examine her computer which caught a virus and fell very sick.
3. Why did the poet say that she
didn’t know what to do?
Answer: Her computer behaved
badly and became absent-minded. So the poet said that she didn’t know what to
IV. Paragraph Question
with Answer.
1. What are the problems faced by
the poet with her computer?
Answer: The poet’s computer
had always been so intelligent and fashionable. It gave a lot of information
quickly. But after some days, it gave her a lot of problems. She says that it
was absent-minded. She did not know what to do about it. It forgot to save her
work and store it away. It made her work vanish in the most unpleasant way. It
didn’t check her spellings. It hid her files and vanished them from her sight.
One day it gobbled a virus and fell very sick. So she had to call a doctor (a
technician) to set it right.
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