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Chapter: 3rd Maths : Term 3 Unit 1 : Geometry

Properties of 3D Objects

(i) Cube (ii) Cuboid (iii) Cylinder (iv) Cone (v) Sphere ; shapes : (i) curved surfaces (ii) flat surfaces (iii) curved and flat surfaces

Properties of 3D Objects


1. Pick out the shapes with (i) curved surfaces (ii) flat surfaces (iii) curved and flat surfaces from the given picture and completed table.

i. curuved surface


Earth Globe

Notice board

ii. flat surface




Chair, Duster

iii. curved and flat surface

Water bottle

Trophy, Chalk,

Flower pot


2. Complete the table by counting the sides, corners and diagonals of the given 3D shapes.


3. Follow the given steps and draw the 3−D objects.

(i) Cube

(ii) Cuboid

(iii) Cylinder

(iv) Cone

(v) Sphere

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3rd Maths : Term 3 Unit 1 : Geometry : Properties of 3D Objects | Geometry | Term 3 Chapter 1 | 3rd Maths

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