Unit – 4
People’s Revolt
Learning Objectives
▶To know the Palayakkarar (Poligar) system in
Tamil Nadu
▶To understand the role of PuliThevar and Kattabomman
in the anti-British uprising
▶To know about the South Indian Rebellion
▶To know the causes and effects of Vellore
▶To understand the causes and impacts of Revolt
of 1857
The establishment of political and
economic dominance by the British over many parts of India after the Battle of
Plassey, 1757 disrupted the political, social and economic order of the country.
This led to the divesting many landlords and chieftains of their power and
estates. Naturally, many of them revolted against the British. The English
assumed the right of collecting the annual tribute from the Palayakkarar. The
first resistance to the British was offered by the Puli Thevar. Since then
there had been rebellions by Palayakkarar such as the Veerapandiya Kattabomman,
Oomathurai, Marudu brothers and Dheeran Chinnamalai.
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