Consider the numbers 2 and 7. By using
these numbers we
shall form the greatest and smallest two digit numbers.
The two−digit numbers formed using 2
and 7 are 27,72,22,77. (77 is the greatest and 22 is the smallest 2 digit numbers)
Similarly, 7, 4 and 8 are given
numbers. By using these numbers shall we form the greatest and smallest three
digit number.
444, 478, 487, 748, 777, 784, 847, 874 888, and
so on
Arrange the given digits from the
smallest number to greatest number, we get Ascending order.
478, 487, 748, 784, 847, 874 and so on
Arrange the above from the greatest
number to smallest number, we get Descending order.
874, 847, 784, 748, 487,478
888 is the greatest
number and 444 is the smallest number.
1. Form greatest and smallest
numbers using the given digits (without repetition of digits)
Number Greatest number Smallest number
2. Complete the following number sequence.
111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777.
150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180.
210, 310, 410, 510, 610, 710, 810.
333, 433, 533, 633, 733, 833, 933.
3. Find the numbers.
a. 4 Hundreds; 5 Tens; 0 Ones 450
b. 3 Hundreds; 0 Tens; 1 One 301
c. 5 Hundreds; 8 Tens; 9 Ones 589
d. 8 Hundreds; 5 Ones 805
4. Write the number
Numeral : Number name
156 : One Hundred and fifty six
340 : Three Hundred and forty
408 : Four Hundred and Eight
696 : Six Hundred and Ninety six
5. Write the place value
for the bubbled digits.
1 9 8 Answer:
9 0 8 Answer: Ones
5 4 3 Answer:
6. Write down the odd and even numbers seperately.
123 333 422 588 246 535
a. Odd numbers: 123, 333, 535
b. Even numbers: 422, 588, 246
7. write <, >, = in the box.
105 __ 150 Answer:
105 < 150
419 __
547 Answer: 419 < 547
394 __ 387 Answer: 394 > 387
761 __ 683 Answer: 761 > 683
660 __ 660 Answer: 660 =
983 __ 990 Answer: 983 < 990
8. Write the numbers in
ascending and descending order.
326 323 301 356 365 399 308
Ascending order : 301, 308, 323, 326, 340, 356, 365, 399
Descending order : 399, 365, 356,
340, 326, 323, 308, 301
9. Using the numerals
6, 8 and 5 only once write the greatest and smallest 3 digit number.
Greatest number : 865
Smallest number : 568
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