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Chapter: Air Pollution

Noise pollution

In simple terms, noise is unwanted sound. Sound is a form of energy which is emitted by a vibrating body and on reaching the ear causes the sensation of hearing through nerves.



What is noise?


In simple terms, noise is unwanted sound. Sound is a form of energy which is emitted by a vibrating body and on reaching the ear causes the sensation of hearing through nerves. Sounds produced by all vibrating bodies are not audible. The frequency limits of audibility are from 20 HZ to 20,000 HZ.


A noise problem generally consists of three inter-related elements- the source, the receiver and the transmission path. This transmission path is usually the atmosphere through which the sound is propagated, but can include the structural materials of any building containing the receiver Noise may be continuous or intermittent. Noise may be of high frequency or of low frequency which is undesired for a normal hearing. For example, the typical cry of a child produces sound, which is mostly unfavorable to normal hearing. Since it is unwanted sound, we call it noise.


The discrimination and differentiation between sound and noise also depends upon the habit and interest of the person/species receiving it, the ambient conditions and impact of the sound generated during that particular duration of time. There could be instances that, excellently rendered musical concert for example, may be felt as noise and exceptional music as well during the course of the concert! Sounds of frequencies less than 20 HZ are called infrasonics and greater than 20,0000 HZ are called ultrasonics. Since noise is also a sound, the terms noise and sound are synonymously used and are followed in this module.

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