a. connected together -
b. spread over the surface of the ground in a straggling manner -
c. make out or understand -
d. slender woody shoots growing from branches or stems of trees -
The speaker says that while sitting in a (1) grove, his mind is filled with both (2) pleasant and sad thoughts. He could associate himself with (3) sorrowful. But he feels (4) creations at the fact that human beings are exploiting Nature. The atmosphere around is (5) savour and pleasant with flowers in the sweet (6) ecstacy. The air is (7) pervading and everything seems to be happy. When Nature desires such (8) suffering, it is only the irresponsible act of human beings that brings (9) abundance to other human beings and to Nature.
bower grove distressed
pleasant breezy peace
sorrow Nature calm
(i) And ‘tis my faith that every flower Enjoys the air it breathes…
a. What is the poet’s faith?
The poet’s faith is that the beautiful flowers enjoy every ounce of the air they breathe.
b. What trait of Nature do we see here?
We see the beautiful work of nature through this poem.
(ii) And I must think, do all I can, That there was pleasure there…
a. What did the poet notice about the twigs?
The poet noticed that the twigs expand to catch the breezy air.
b. What was the poet’s thought about then?
The poet thinks that the twigs or the new born branches enjoy the breeze and there is pleasure hidden there.
(iii) If this belief from heaven be sent, If such be Nature’s holy plan.
a. What does ‘heaven’ refer to?
Heaven refers to the place of God.
b. Why does the poet call it ‘holy’?
Nature is God’s work from heaven. So the poet calls it ‘holy’.
i. In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.
Context : The given lines are from the poem “Lines written in Early Spring” written by ‘William Wordsworth’.
Explanation : The poet sits reclined in a beautiful grove, surrounded by the mixed sounds of nature. He thinks of the sad thoughts brought along with the pleasant memories.
Comment : He describes the bitterest sweet moment that reminds him of the humans ’ miseries.
ii. The birds around me hopp’d and play’d,
Their thoughts I cannot measure.
Context : The given lines are from the poem “Lines written in Early Spring” written by ‘William Wordsworth’.
Explanation : The poet describes the joy of birds here. They sang, hopped and played around the poet. Though the poet doesn’t understand the language and ways of the birds, he recognizes their movements are out of sheer pleasure and joy.
Comment : William Wordsworth praises the beauty of nature.
iii. Have I not reason to lament
What Man has made of Man?
Context : The given lines are from the poem “Lines written in Early Spring” written by ‘William Wordsworth’.
Explanation : These are the concluding lines of the poem. Nature is full of beauties and sweetness and calmness. But men do not enjoy the beauty, but destroy nature. Men also fight against one another and all become unhappy.
Comment : The poet becomes sad to think of what man has made of man.
1. To her works did Nature link
2. The human soul that through me ran…
3. And ‘tis my faith that every flower…
4. What Man has made of Man? -Aphorism
B. Read the poem once again. Identify the rhyme scheme and pick out the rhyming pairs of words.
Stanza No : Rhyming Scheme : Rhyming words
Stanza 1 : abab : notes - thoughts; , reclined – mind
Stanza 2 : abab : link - think; , ran - man
Stanza 3 : abab : bower - flower; , wreaths - breathes
Stanza 4 : abab : play’d - made ; , measure - pleasure
Stanza 5 : abab : fan - can; , air - there
Stanza 6 : abab : sent - lament; , plan - man
a. How does the poet feel while enjoying the beauty of Nature?
The poet feels sad thoughts while enjoying the beauty of Nature.
b Does Nature affect a person’s thoughts and feelings? Explain.
Yes, the soul of every human is connected to Nature. Hence Nature affects a person’s thoughts and feelings.
c. How do people bring grief and sorrow to one another?
People separate themselves from Nature. Thus they bring grief and sorrow to one another.
d. Why does the poet think that the birds were happy?
The poet sees that the birds hop and play. Hence he thinks that the birds were happy.
e. The poet finds joy in various objects of Nature. Explain.
On seeing the twigs the poet finds that they enjoy the breezy air. He thinks that there is pleasure in realizing Nature.
f. Bring out the poet’s thoughts, while comparing Nature with human behaviour.
It is realized by the poet that the nature is a beautiful holy plan of God. Nature is linked to all the souls of human beings. But men have separated themselves from Nature. They have failed to realize the pleasure of Nature.
a. The poet experiences sadness because he is worried about the destruction caused to Nature.
i. the blended notes are jarring
ii. Nature is filled with negativity
iii. he is worried about the destruction caused to Nature
iv. natural calamities occur frequently
b. The poem is set in a grove.
i) city ii) village
iii) grove iv) park
c. The poem speaks of Man’s fear of Nature.
i. Man’s plan to shape destiny
ii. Man seeking pleasure and riches
iii. Man indulging in wars and acts of destruction
iv. Man’s fear of Nature
Do you think the poet wants to say that man is unhappy because he has lost his link with nature and forgotten how to enjoy nature or because man is cruel to other men?
I think the poet wants to say that man is unhappy because man is cruel to other men. The poet feels sad about the relationship between man and man. Nature is linked to all the souls of human beings. The poet feels sad thoughts while enjoying the beauty of nature. Nature is a beautiful Holy plan of God. But men have separated themselves from Nature. So they have failed to realize the pleasure of Nature. Men do not enjoy the beauty. They destroy the Nature. Men also fight against one another and all become unhappy. But the poet feels sad to think of ‘what man has made of man’. Nature is very significant. It gives us oxygen and keep the air cool. So we must save Nature. Man is cruel on buying plots, cutting the trees and building houses. So we can save Nature and protect our environment. Man is always busy in worldly business. So there is no sufficient time to enjoy the Nature.
Critically analvze/appreciate the poem “Lines written in early spring”.
Wordsworth was sitting in a grove. He heard a thousand blended notes. He felt that Nature and human soul are linked. The poet enjoys the beauty and smell of the flowers primrose and periwinkle. He thought that the flowers and twigs were enjoying the air they breathed. The birds hopped and played around. He could not understand the thoughts of the birds, but he knew that they were happy. The twigs spread out like fans to catch the breezy (cool) air. There was pleasure all around him. It was Nature’s holy plan to give pleasure to man and link his soul with nature. But he poet feels sad to think of “what man has made of man”. The poem is a mixture of happiness & sadness.
“In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thought to the mind.”
Some phrases have been left out in the poem below. First, read the poem. Then, fill in the missing words on listening to the reading or the recording of it in full. You may listen again, if required.
To Autumn
O Autumn, laden with fruit, and stained
With the blood of the grape, pass not, but sit
Beneath my Shady roof, there thou may’st rest,
And tune thy jolly voice to my Fresh pipe;
And all the daughters of the year shall dance!
Sing now the lusty song of fruits and flowers.
“The narrow bud opens her beauties to
The sun, and love runs in her thrilling veins;
Blossoms hang round the brows of morning, and
Flourish down the bright check of modest eve,
Till clust’ring Summer breaks forth into singing,
And feather’d clouds strew flowers round her head.
The spirits of the air live on the smells
Of fruit; and joy, with pinions light, roves round
The gardens, or sits singing in the trees.”
Thus sang the jolly autumn as he sat,
Then rose, girded himself, and o’er the bleak
Hills fled from our sight; but left his golden load.
- William Blake
a. What scene in nature gives you pleasure? Talk for a minute describing a natural scene that gave you a lot of joy. What did you see, hear, smell or feel that gave you joy?
Hi, I am Rajesh. I share with you my happiness of enjoying the natural scenes in my village. Every morning I get up around 5’o clock and enjoy the chirping of tens of birds. Then my friends and 1 go to a lake nearby and swim and chase one another in a happy mood.
There are a few small mountains and when the sun rises above them we are thrilled to bathe in sun light. At nights we leave our village and go to the fields and play kabadi in moon light. The grazing cattle is a beautiful sight. Thus I feel Nature and human life are strongly linked.
b. Work in groups of 4−6. Discuss how you would preserve the environment and protect Nature. One or two representatives may share their ideas with the class.
Representative l
Trees are very important. They give us oxygen and keep the air cool. So, we must avoid cutting trees. Most people buy plots, cut the trees and build houses. Multistoreyed flats are, better than individual houses, because we save trees.
Representative 2
Rain water harvesting is a new concept (idea).The government is encouraging the project. Every family should find out the methods of rain water harvesting and follow the methods. Thus we can save water and protect our environment.
a. ‘Nature can nurture’. Describe how this process happens.
Man is a part of Nature. We cannot live without oxygen, and the natural atmosphere gives us oxygen. Trees and plants absorb carbon-di-oxide and give back oxygen. Water is the absolute necessity for us - - - for drinking, cooking, bathing and washing. We get plenty of water from rains. Rivers and lakes get the rain water and we use it. The sun is the life-giver and light-giver of the world. There can be no life on the earth without the sunlight. Animals, birds, plants and trees are all parts of Nature. We get food from plants & trees in the form of vegetables and fruits. Certain birds and animals are killed, cooked and eaten by us. Therefore in several ways Nature can nurture us. Moreover natural scenes give us happiness enjoyment.
b. When humanity fails to live in harmony with Nature, its effects are felt around the world. Why and how?
We should live in harmony with Nature, but we do not. One example is we cut trees and destroy forests to build houses or roads. Forests bring us rain. So when forests are destroyed rainfall is affected.
Another thing: Water, in its natural form, is clean. But we pollute water by bathing in the rivers and lakes. In many villages people bathe their cattle in the river or lake. This causes water pollution.
Air pollution is another problem. A lot of factories furnaces and automobiles produce harmful smoke and pollute the air. As a result of all these activities, We experience heavy rains in some places and very little rain in other places.
As we do not live in harmony with nature we have to suffer hardships.
c. Write a letter to the Councillor of your Ward, explaining why a park is necessary in your locality.
5th July 2018
The Councillor,
Madurai Corporation, Madurai.
Sir / Madam,
Sub: Requisition for a park - Reg.
I, XXX, as a resident of ward 98, hereby write to you on behalf of the residents of ward no.98, The intention of this letter is to request you to set up a park in our locality. Nowadays parks are everywhere and in almost all the localities. Parks have become indispensable necessities. Pollution and other threatening environment measures have contributed to the deterioration of human health. The old people of our ward have no place to sit comfortably and peacefully and the young children have no place to play happily. Besides, the construction of the park will be environmentally wholesome for the people of our locality. It will make the whole locality beautiful. The trees and plants will make the whole locality free from pollution.
Therefore I request you to construct a park in our area. We shall be grateful to you if you kindly do the needful.
I thank you,
Yours truly,
Paragraph - Easy points:
• In this poem Wordsworth describes a bitter sweet moment.
• He reclines in a beautiful grove surrounded by the "blended notes" of nature,
• He could associate himself with nature.
• He looks more closely at the jubilant birds, plants, and other creatures of nature.
• He feels that it is only the irresponsible act of human beings that brings sorrow to all.
• Thus he has a good reason to be sad about “what man has made of man”,
Great is the sun, and wide he goes
Through empty heaven without repose;
And in the blue and glowing days
More thick than rain he showers his rays.
Though closer still the blinds we pull
To keep the shady parlour cool,
Yet he will find a chink or two
To slip his golden fingers through.
The dusty attic spider-clad,
He, through the keyhole, maketh glad;
And through the broken edge of tiles,
Into the laddered hay-loft smiles.
Meantime his golden face around
He bares to all the garden ground,
And sheds a warm and glittering look
Among the ivy’s inmost nook.
Above the hills, along the blue,
Round the bright air with footing true,
To please the child, to paint the rose,
The gardener of the World, he goes.
- Robert Louis Stevenson
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