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Chapter: 3rd Maths : Term 3 Unit 3 : Patterns

Iterative patterns and processes

Rangoli is created by the growing patterns of colours and shapes. These are few rangolis exhibiting such patterns.

UNIT − 3



Iterative patterns and processes


Rangoli is created by the growing patterns of colours and shapes. These are few rangolis exhibiting such patterns.


1. Continue the pattern to complete the rangoli.


2. Make a pattern of your own on the given category and draw a rangoli.

a. Triangle and circles b. Square and triangle


Pulli kolams

Pulli kolams are created by drawing straight lines and curved lines along the pulli (dots)

These pulli kolams can be extended to any area by repeating and continuing the patterns of straight lines and curves


3. Draw a pullikolams by looking at the reference image without lifting your hand.


4. Draw 2 pullikolams of your choice along the given dots.

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