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Chapter: Fundamentals of Database Systems : Database Programming Techniques : Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques

Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques

In this chapter and the next, we discuss some of the methods that have been developed for accessing databases from programs.


Database Programming Techniques


Chapter 13

Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques


In Chapters 4 and 5, we described several aspects of the SQL language, which is the standard for relational databases. We described the SQL statements for data definition, schema modification, queries, views, and updates. We also described how various constraints on the database contents, such as key and referential integrity constraints, are specified.


In this chapter and the next, we discuss some of the methods that have been developed for accessing databases from programs. Most database access in practical applications is accomplished through software programs that implement database applications. This software is usually developed in a general-purpose programming language such as Java, C/C++/C#, COBOL, or some other programming language. In addition, many scripting languages, such as PHP and JavaScript, are also being used for programming of database access within Web applications. In this chapter, we focus on how databases can be accessed from the traditional programming languages C/C++ and Java, whereas in the next chapter we introduce how databases are accessed from scripting languages such as PHP and JavaScript. Recall from Section 2.3.1 that when database statements are included in a program, the general-purpose programming language is called the host language, whereas the database language— SQL, in our case—is called the data sublanguage. In some cases, special database programming languages are developed specifically for writing database applications. Although many of these were developed as research prototypes, some notable data-base programming languages have widespread use, such as Oracle’s PL/SQL (Programming Language/SQL).


It is important to note that database programming is a very broad topic. There are whole textbooks devoted to each database programming technique and how that technique is realized in a specific system. New techniques are developed all the time,  and changes to existing techniques are incorporated into newer system versions and languages. An additional difficulty in presenting this topic is that although there are SQL standards, these standards themselves are continually evolving, and each DBMS vendor may have some variations from the standard. Because of this, we have chosen to give an introduction to some of the main types of database programming techniques and to compare these techniques, rather than study one particular method or system in detail. The examples we give serve to illustrate the main differences that a programmer would face when using each of these database programming techniques. We will try to use the SQL standards in our examples rather than describe a specific system. When using a specific system, the materials in this chapter can serve as an introduction, but should be augmented with the system manuals or with books describing the specific system.


We start our presentation of database programming in Section 13.1 with an overview of the different techniques developed for accessing a database from pro-grams. Then, in Section 13.2, we discuss the rules for embedding SQL statements into a general-purpose programming language, generally known as embedded SQL. This section also briefly discusses dynamic SQL, in which queries can be dynamically constructed at runtime, and presents the basics of the SQLJ variation of embedded SQL that was developed specifically for the programming language Java. In Section 13.3, we discuss the technique known as SQL/CLI (Call Level Interface), in which a library of procedures and functions is provided for accessing the data-base. Various sets of library functions have been proposed. The SQL/CLI set of functions is the one given in the SQL standard. Another library of functions is ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity). We do not describe ODBC because it is con-sidered to be the predecessor to SQL/CLI. A third library of functions—which we do describe—is JDBC; this was developed specifically for accessing databases from Java. In Section 13.4 we discuss SQL/PSM (Persistent Stored Modules), which is a part of the SQL standard that allows program modules—procedures and functions—to be stored by the DBMS and accessed through SQL. We briefly compare the three approaches to database programming in Section 13.5, and provide a chapter summary in Section 13.6.

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