1. Circle the odd one out.
i) gram kilogram metre
ii) 50g 500g
iii) 1 m 2 kg 5 kg
2. Fill in the blanks
i) 1000 grams = 1 kg
ii) 2 kilograms = 2000 grams
3. Write in short form:
gram = g
ii) kilogram = kg
4. Find the number of bags to be used to fill the given items, if one bag can hold 100 g of the given items.
5. Answer the following:
i) Price of 100g of ice cream is
₹ 20. Ramya bought 1Kg of ice cream. How much should she pay to the
Price of 100g ice cream = ₹ 20
Ramya bought ice cream = 1kg
= 1 × 1000
= 1000g
= [1000 / 100] × 20
= 10 × 20
= ₹ 200
Answer : She should pay ₹ 200
Price of 1 Kg of sugar is ₹ 50. Ranjith bought 2000g of sugar. Find the
amount she has to pay to the shopkeeper.
Price of 1kg sugar = 50 ₹
2000g = 2 kg
Price of 2kg sugar = 2 × 50
= 100 ₹
Answer : He has to pay ₹ 100
Saranya had 3 Kg of flour to be packed into packets of 500g each. In how many
packets can she pack the flour?
Solution :
Saranya had = 3kg
= 3 × 1000
= 3000 g
Weight of 1 packets = 500g
No . of Packets = 3000 ÷ 500
= 6
Answer : She can pack the flour in 6 packets
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