Exercise 3.1
1. Rani had 1 litre coconut oil. She shared it equally
among her 5 friends. How much does each person have?
Rani had coconut oil = 1 litre
No persons shared = 5
1 litre = 1000 ml
Each person has = 1 litre / 5 = [
1000 / 5 ] ml
= 200 ml
Answer: Each person has 200 ml.
2. A teapot
contains 2 litres, it is poured in cups with a capacity of 500 ml. How
many cups can be filled?
Capacity of tea in a teapot = 2
litres = 2000 ml
Capacity of 1 cup = 500 ml
No of cups that can be filled =
2000 / 500
= 4
Answer: 4 cups can be filled.
3. Ram has 1 litre of juice bottle. If he gives his
friend 100 ml of juice.
How much is left with him?
Ram has juice bottle = 1 litre =
He gvies his friend = 100 ml
Juice left with him = 1000ml −
= 900 ml
Answer: 900 ml of juice left with
4. Change litre into millilitre.
1000 ml = 1 litre
1. 1 l = 1000 ml
2. 7 l = 7000 ml
3. 5 l = 5000 ml
4. 9 l = 9000 ml
5. 4 l = 4000 ml
5. Change millilitre into litre
1. 6000 ml = 6 l
2. 2000 ml = 2
3. 8000 ml = 8
4. 9000 ml = 9
Note: 1000 ml = 1 litre
Fill in the red boxes below using 500 ml, 200 ml, 100 ml and 50 ml, to get the total in the blue boxes given above the red boxes.
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