Exercise 2.3
What else could you frame some
more questions based on this table?
1) Find the cost of
2kg of Raw rice.
2) What is the
price of 1 kg wheat?
3) Find out the
difference between the cost of Raw rice
and boiled rice.
4) What is the
total cost of 1 kg wheat and 1 kg red chily?
1) Frame word problems, using the
picture given:
Cost of 1 Piece of Cake ₹ 25
The cost of 1 piece
of cake ₹25. What is the cost of 16 pieces of cake?
2) Frame word problems, using the
picture given:
Total Cost of the clocks ₹ 490
The total cost of 7
clocks ₹ 490. What is
the cost of 1 clock?
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