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Chapter: Clinical Pharmacology: Respiratory drugs

Drugs and the respiratory system

The respiratory system, extending from the nose to the pulmonary capillaries, performs the essential function of gas exchange be-tween the body and its environment.

Drugs and the respiratory system

The respiratory system, extending from the nose to the pulmonary capillaries, performs the essential function of gas exchange be-tween the body and its environment. In other words, it takes in oxygen and expels carbon dioxide.


Breathe easy


Drugs used to improve respiratory symptoms are available in in-halation and systemic formulations. These drugs include:

§    beta2-adrenergic agonists

§    anticholinergics


§    corticosteroids


§    leukotriene modifiers


§    mast cell stabilizers


§    methylxanthines


§    monoclonal antibodies


§    expectorants


§    antitussives


§    mucolytics


§    decongestants.


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Clinical Pharmacology: Respiratory drugs : Drugs and the respiratory system |

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