Data Mining
Ø Broadly speaking, data mining is the
process of semi-automatically analyzing large databases to find useful
Ø Like knowledge discovery in artificial
intelligence data mining discovers statistical rules and patterns
Ø Differs from machine learning in that it
deals with large volumes of data stored primarily on disk.
Ø Some types of knowledge discovered from
a database can be represented by a set of rules. e.g.,: ―Young women with
annual incomes greater than $50,000 are most likely to buy sports cars‖.
Ø Other types of knowledge represented by
equations, or by prediction functions.
Ø Some manual intervention is usually
· Pre-processing of data, choice of which type of
pattern to find, postprocessing to find novel patterns
Applications of Data Mining
Ø Prediction
on past history
· Predict if a credit card applicant poses a good
credit risk, based on some attributes (income, job type, age, ..) and past
· Predict if a customer is likely to switch brand
· Predict if a customer is likely to respond to ―junk
· Predict if a pattern of phone calling card usage is
likely to be fraudulent Ø Some
examples of prediction mechanisms:
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