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Chapter: Database Management Systems : Advanced Topics

DBMS - Advanced Topics

Database Management Systems - Advanced Topics




Privacy in Oracle•

user gets a password and user name

•Privileges :


–Connect : users can read and update tables (can‘t create) –Resource: create tables, grant privileges and control auditing –DBA: any table in complete DB


•user owns tables they create •they grant other users privileges: –Select : retrieval


–Insert : new rows –Update : existing rows –Delete : rows


–Alter : column def. –Index : on tables


•owner can offer GRANT to other users as well •Users can get audits of:


–listof successful/unsuccessful attempts to access tables –selective audit E.g. update only

–control level of detail reported


•DBA has this and logon, logoff oracle, grants/revolts privilege •Audit is stored in the Data Dictionary.




The integrity of a database concerns –consistency







•that it should reflect real world


•i.e... it reflects the rules of the organization it models. •rules = integrity rules or integrity constraints examples


•accidental corruption of the DB, •invalid PATIENT #


•non serializable schedules


•recovery manager not restoring DB correctly after failure Basic concepts


•trying to reflect in the DB rules which govern organization E.g.:


INPATENT(patent#, name, DOB, address, sex, gp) LABREQ (patent#, test-type, date, reqdr)

•E.g. rules


–lab. test can‘t be requested for non -existent PATIENT (insert to labreq) (referential)


–every PATIENT must have unique patent number (relation) –PATIENT numbers are integers in the range 1


-99999. (domain) real-


world rules = integrity constraints •Implicit Constraints


-relation, domain, referential -integral part of Relational model – Relational constraints


-define relation and attributes supported by all RDBMS

–Domain constraints


-underlying domains on which attributes defined


–Referential constraints


-attribute from one table referencing another


•Integrity subsystem: conceptually responsible for enforcing constraints, violation + action


–monitor updates to the databases, multi user system this can get expensive


•integrity constraints shared by all applications, stored in system catalogue defined


by data definition Relation constraints


•how we define relations in SQL


•using CREATE we give relation name and define attributes













PRIMARY KEY PATIENT#); Domain constraints


•Domains are very important to the relational model


•through attributes defined over common domains that relationships between tuples belonging to different relations can be defined. •This also ensures consistency in typing.














(1) in ( M‘,̳ F‘);̳ Referential integrity


refers to foreign keys



consequences for updates and deletes


3 possibilities for



RESTRICTED: disallow the update/deletion of primary keys as long as their are foreign keys referencing that primary key.



CASCADES: update/deletion of the primary key has a cascading effect on all tuples whose foreign key references that primary key, (and they too are deleted).


–NULLIFIES: update/deletion of the primary key results in the referencing foreign keys being set to null.





. Explicit (semantic) constraints •defined by

SQL but not widely implemented


•E.g.. can‘t overdraw if you have a poor credit rating ASSERT OVERDRAFT_CONSTRAINT ON customer, account: account.balance >0


AND account.acc# = CUSTOMER.cust# AND CUSTOMER.credit_rating = poor‘;̳ •Triggers




-constraint ON


STOCK noinstock < reordlevel ACTION ORDER_PROC (part#); Static and Dynamic Constraints •State or Transaction constraints static refer to legal DB states


•dynamic refer to legitimate transactions of the DB form one state to another ASSERT payrise


-constraint ON UPDATE OF employee:


•Security can protect the database against unauthorized users. •Integrity can protect it against authorized users


–Domain integrity rules: maintain correctness of attribute values in relations




-relational Integrity: correctness of relationships among atts. in same rel.


–Referential integrity: concerned with maintaining correctness and consistency of relat


ionships between relations. Recovery and Concurrency

•closely bound to the idea of Transaction Processing.


•important in large multi


-user centralized environment. Authorization in SQL


•File systems identify certain access privileges on files, E.g



read, write, execute.


•In partial analogy, SQL identifies six access privileges on relations, of which the most important are:


1.SELECT = the right to query the relation. 2.INSERT = the right to insert tuples


into the relation –may refer to


one attribute, in which case the privilege is to specify only one column of the inserted tuple.


3.DELETE = the right to delete tuples from the relation. 4.UPDATE = the right to update tuples of the relation –may refer to


one attribute. Granting Privileges


•You have all possible privileges to the relations you create. •You may grant privileges to any user if you have those privileges ―with grant option.


u You have this option to your own relations. Example


1.Here, Sally can query Sells and can change prices, but cannot pass on this power:




Sells TO sally




Data Warehouse:




organizations have complex internal organizations, and have data stored at


different locations, on different operational (transaction processing) systems, under

different schemas


Data sources often store only current data, not historical data Corporate dec


ision making requires a unified view of all organizational data, including


historical data


A data warehouse


is a repository (archive) of information gathered from multiple sources, stored under a unified schema, at a single site Greatly simplifies

querying, permits study of historical trends


Shifts decision support query load away from transaction processing systems When and how to gather data


Source driven architecture: data sources transmit new information to warehouse, either


continuously or pe riodically (e.g. at night)


Destination driven architecture: warehouse periodically requests new information from


data sources


Keeping warehouse exactly synchronized with data sources (e.g. using two


-phase commit) is too expensive Usually OK to have slightly out -of

-date data at warehouse



Data/updates are periodically downloaded form online transaction processing (OLTP)




What schema to use Schema integration Data cleansing


E.g. correct mistakes in addresses E.g. misspellings, zip code errors


Merge address lists from different sources and purge duplicates Keep only one address record per household (―householding) How to propagate updates


Warehouse schema may be a (materialized) view of schema from data sources


Efficient techniques for update of materialized views What data to summarize Raw data may be too large to store on



Aggregate values (totals/subtotals) often suffice


Queries on raw data can often be transformed by query optimizer to use aggregate values


.Typically warehouse data is multidimensional, with very large fact tables Examples of dimensions: item


-id, date/time of sale, store where sale was made, customer identifier


Examples of measures: number of items sold, price of items Dimension values are usually encoded using small int


egers and mapped to full values via dimension tables


Resultant schema is called a star schema More complicated schema structures


Snowflake schema: multiple levels of dimension tables Constellation: multiple fact tables


Data Mining Broadly speaking,


data mining is the process of semi -automatically analyzing large


databases to find useful patterns.


Like knowledge discovery in artificial intelligence data mining discovers statistical rules


and patterns


Differs from machine learning in that it deals wit h large volumes of data stored primarily


on disk.


Some types of knowledge discovered from a database can be represented by a set of


rules. e.g.,: ―Young women with annual incomes greater than $50,000 are most likely to

buy sports cars



Other types of


knowledge represented by equations, or by prediction functions


Some manual intervention is usually required



Pre-processing of data, choice of which type of pattern to find, postprocessing to


find novel patterns Applications of Data Mining

Prediction based on past history


Predict if a credit card applicant poses a good credit risk, based on some attributes (income, job type, age, ..) and past history


Predict if a customer is likely to switch brand loyalty Predict if a customer is likely to respond to ―junk mail


Predict if a pattern of phone calling card usage is likely to be fraudulent


Some examples of prediction mechanisms: Classification


Given a training set consisting of items belonging to different classes, and a new item whose class is unknown, predict which class it belongs to. Regressionformulae


Given a set of parameter -value to function


-result mappings for an unknown function, predict the function -result for a new parameter -value


Descriptive Patterns Associations


Find books that are often


bought by the same customers. If a new customer buys one such book, suggest that he buys the others too.


Other similar applications: camera accessories, clothes, etc. Associations may also be used as a first step in detecting causation


E.g. association be


tween exposure to chemical X and cancer, or new medicine and cardiac problems




E.g. typhoid cases were clustered in an area surrounding a contaminated well


Detection of clusters remains important in detecting epidemics Classification Rules


Classification rules help assign new objects to a set of classes. E.g., given a new


automobile insurance applicant, should he or she be classified as low risk, medium risk


or high risk?


Classification rules for above example could use a variety of knowledg


e, such as


educational level of applicant, salary of applicant, age of applicant, etc.


person P, P.degree = masters and P.income > 75,000 P.credit = excellent

person P, P.degree = bachelors and(P.income 25,000 and P.income


75,000) P.credit = good


Rules are not necessarily exact: there may be some misclassifications


Classification rules


can be compactly shown as a decision tree. Decision Tree

Training set


: a data sample in which the grouping for each tuple is already known. Consider credit risk example: Suppose



is chosen to partition the data at the root. Since degree has a small

number of possible values, one child is created for each value.


At each child node of the root, further classification is done if required. Here, partitions


are defined by income



Since income is a continuous attribute, some number of intervals are chosen,




one child created for each interval.


Different classification algorithms use different ways of choosing which attribute to


partition on at each node, and what the intervals, if any, are. In general


Different branches of the tree could grow to differen t levels.


Different nodes at the same level may use different partitioning attributes.




top down generation of decision trees.


Each internal node of the tree partitions the data into groups based on a partitioning attribute, and a partitioning conditionfor the node

More on choosing partioning attribute/condition shortly


Algorithm is greedy: the choice is made once and not revisited as more of the tree


is constructed


The data at a node is not partitioned further if either


All (or most) of the itemsat the node belong to the same class, or All attributes have been considered, and no further partitioning is possible. Such a node is a leaf node. Otherwise the data at theode is partitioned further by picking an attribute for partitioning data at the node.Decision


-Tree Construction Algorithm Procedure Grow. Tree(S)Partition(S); Procedure


Partition (S)



if (purity(S) > p or |



| <




then return; for each attribute


A evaluate splits on attribute A;


Use best split found (across all attributes) to partition Sinto




,   S2

,   ...., S




for i

= 1, 2, .....,


r Partition(






Other Types of Classifiers Further types of classifiers


Neural net classifiers


Bayesian classifiers Neural net


classifiers use the training data to train artificial neural nets


Widely studied in AI, won‘t cover here Bayesian classifiers use


Bayes theorem , which says where

p(cjd) = probability of instance d being in class




p(d | cj) = probability of generating instance d


given class cj,


p(cj)= probability of occurrence of class cj, and


p(d)= probability of instance doccuring


Naive Bayesian Classifiers Bayesian classifiers require computation of


p(d| cj) precomputation of p(cj)


can be ignored since it is the same for all classes .To simplify the task, naïve Bayesian classifiers assume attributes have independent distributions,and thereby estimate


p(dcj) =p(d1|+cj) * p(d2cj) * ....* (p(dncj) Each of the


p(di|c) can be estimated from a histogram on di


values for each class cj

the histogram is computed from the training instances


Histograms on multiple attributes are more expensive to compute and store




Regression deals with the prediction of a value, rather than a class. Given values for a set of variables, X

1, X

2, ..., Xn


, we wish to predict the value of a variable Y.


One way is to infer coefficients a 0, a1, a1, ..., an


such that


Y= a0+ a1* X1+a2* X 2 + ... + a n * X n


Finding such a linear polynomial is called linear regression.


In general, the process of finding a curve that fits the data is also called curve fitting.


The fit may only be approximate because of noise in the data, or

because the relationship is not exactly a polynomial


Regression aims to find coefficients that give the best possible fit.Association RulesRetail shops are often interested in associations between different items that people buy. Someone who buys bread is quite likely also to buy milkA person who bought the book Database System Conceptsis quite likely also to buy the book Operating System Concepts.Associations information can be used in several ways.E.g.

when a customer buys a particular book, an online shop may suggest associated books.


Association rules: bread


milk DB -Concepts, OS -Concepts Networks


Left hand side: antecedent, right hand side: consequent


An association rule must have an associated population; the population consists of a set of


instances E.g. each transaction (sale) at a shop is an instance, and the set of all transactions is the population.


Rules have an associated support, as well as an associated confidence.


Support is a measure of what fraction of the population satisfies both the antecedent and the consequent of the rule.


E.g. suppose only 0.001 percent of all purchases include milk and screwdrivers. The support for the rule is milk


screwdrivers is low.We usually want rules with a reasonably high support Rules with low support are usually not very useful Confidence is a measure of how often the consequent is true when the antecedent is true.


E.g. the rule bread milk has a confide


nce of 80 percent if 80 percent of the purchases that include bread also include milk.


Usually want rules with reasonably large confidence. Finding Association Rule We are generally only interested in association rules with reasonably high support (e.g. support of 2% or greater)


Naïve algorithm


1.Consider all possible sets of relevant items.


2.For each set find its support (i.e. count how many transactions purchase all items

in the set).

Large itemsets: sets with sufficiently high support

3.Use large itemsets to generate association rules. From itemset


A generate the rule A -



b for each b A.


Support of rule = support ( A)


. Confidence of rule = support ( A ) / support ( A


- { b})


Other Types of Associations Basic association rules have several limitations Deviations from the expected probability are more interesting E.g. if many people purchase bread, and many people purchase cereal, quite a few would be expected to purchase both (prob1 * prob2) We are interested in positive as well as negative correlations between sets of items Positive correlation: co - occurrence is higher than predicted Negative correlation: co - occurrence is lower than predicted Sequence associations/correlations E.g. whenever bonds go up, stock prices go down in 2 days Deviations from tem poral patterns E.g. deviation from a steady growth E.g. sales of winter wear go down in summer Not surprising, part of a known pattern. Look for deviation from value predicted using past patterns Clustering


Clustering: Intuitively, finding clusters of points in the given data such that similar points lie in the same cluster


Can be formalized using distance metrics in several ways


E.g. Group points into k sets (for a given k


) such that the average distance of points from the centroidof their assigned group is minimized


Centroid: point defined by taking average of coordinates in each dimension.


Another metric: minimize average distance between every pair of points in a cluster


Has been studied extensively in statistics, but on small d ata sets


Data mining systems aim at clustering techniques that can handle very large data sets


E.g. the Birch clustering algorithm (more shortly) Hierarchical Clustering


Example from biological classification Other examples: Internet directory systems (e.g. Yahoo, more on this later) Agglomerative clustering algorithms


Build small clusters, then cluster small clusters into bigger clusters, and so on


Divisive clustering algorithms


Start with all items in a single cluster, repeatedly refine (break) cluste rs into smaller ones.






Basically, an OODBMS is an object database that provides DBMS capabilities to objects that have been created using an object -oriented programming language (OOPL). The basic


principle is to add persistence to objects and to make objects persistent.


Consequently application programmers who use OODBMSs typically write programs in a native OOPL such as Java, C++ or Smalltalk, and the language has some kind of Persistent class, Database class, Database Interface, orDatabase API that provides DBMS functionality as, effectively, an extension of the OOPL.Object


-oriented DBMSs, however, gomuch beyond simply adding persistence to any one object


-oriented programming language. This is because, historically, many object-oriented DBMSs were built to serve the market for computer -aided design/computer 


-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) applications in which features like fast navigational access,versions, and long transactions are extremely important.


Object-oriented DBMSs, therefore, support advanced object-oriented database applications with features like support for persistent objects from more than one programming language, distribution of data, advanced transaction models, versions, schema evolution, and dynamic generation of new types.Object data modelingAn object consists of three parts: structure (attribute, and relationship to other objects like aggregation, and association), behavior (a set of operations) and characteristic of types (generalization/serialization). An object is similar to an entity in ER model; therefore we begin with an example to demonstrate the structure and relationship.


Attributes are like the fields in a relational model.


However in the Book example we have, for attributes publishedBy and writtenBy, complex types Publisher and Author, which are also objects. Attributes with complex objects, in RDNS, are usually other tables linked by keys to the employee table.Relationships: publish and writtenBy ressociations with I: N and 1:1 relationship; composed of is an aggregation (a Book is composed of chapters). The 1: N relationship is usually realized as attributes through complex types and at the behavioral level. For example ,Generalization/Serialization is the is a relationship, which is supported in OODB through class hierarchy. An ArtBook is a Book, therefore the ArtBook class is a subclass of Book class. A subclass inherits all the attribute and methodof its superclass.


Message: means by which objects communicate, and it is a request from one object to another to execute one of its methods. For example:Publisher_object.insert (Rose, 123...) i.e. request to execute the insert method on a Publisher object) Method: defines the behavior of an object. Methods can be used to change state by modifying its attribute values to query the value of selected attributes The method that responds to the message example is the method insert defied in the Publisher class.



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