Concrete Poems
Concrete poems are made up of words that have been
placed in such a way that they make the shape of an object and also use words to
describe the object.
Start by making a simple outline of the shape or
object (an animal, a football, a fruit etc.) large enough to fill a piece of paper.
Then brainstorm a minimum of ten words and phrases
that describe the shape. List action and
feeling words as well.
Next, place a piece of paper over the shape and
decide where your words are going to be placed so that they outline your shape but
also fit well together.
Separate words and phrases with commas.
E. Now read the poem and pick out the nouns. Then write your own concrete poem.
bird, claws, death, beak, steelbird, prey, barrel, dragonfly,
grip, cat
1. Trees and plants
Green earth wants
2. For birds that roam
Trees are the home
3. Plant them now
Show your love
4. Save the earth
No more dearth
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