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Chapter: Essentials of Psychiatry: Mood Disorders: Bipolar (Manic–Depressive) Disorders

Bipolar (Manic–Depressive) Disorders: Cell Degeneration and Neuroprotective Effects of Medications

One of the most exciting areas of recent research focuses on the possibility that lithium and perhaps certain anticonvulsants such as valproate may actually exert a neuroprotective effect in manic–depressive disorder.

Cell Degeneration and Neuroprotective Effects of Medications


One of the most exciting areas of recent research focuses on the possibility that lithium and perhaps certain anticonvulsants such as valproate may actually exert a neuroprotective effect in manic–depressive disorder. Evidence indicates that these agents may protect nerve cells by stimulating production of protective proteins or by stimulating nerve growth. Interestingly, there is some clinical evidence from MRI that lithium treatment may actually increase total brain gray matter, although this will of course require replication. Thus, it is possible that cellular degen-eration, albeit not as virulent as in Alzheimer’s, may play a role in manic–depressive disorder


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Essentials of Psychiatry: Mood Disorders: Bipolar (Manic–Depressive) Disorders : Bipolar (Manic–Depressive) Disorders: Cell Degeneration and Neuroprotective Effects of Medications |

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