Chapter: 12th Computer Applications : Chapter 5 : PHP Function and Array

Array in PHP

Array is a concept that stores more than one value of same data type (homogeneous) in single array variable.

Array in PHP

Array is a concept that stores more than one value of same data type (homogeneous) in single array variable. They are 3 types of array concepts in PHP.

1. Indexed Arrays,

2. Associative Array and

3. Multi-Dimensional Array.


1. Indexed Arrays

An array is defined using the keyword “array”. Each element of line array is assigned on index values which commences from O and ends with n-1. The user can access the array element using the assname followed by index value.



$teacher_name=array(“Iniyan”, “Kavin”, “Nilani”);

echo “The students name are “ . $teacher_name[0] . “, “ . $$teacher_name[1] . “ and “ . $teacher_name[2] . “.”;



2. Associative Arrays

Associative arrays are a key- value pair data structure. Instead of storing data in a linear array, with associative arrays you can store your data in a collection and assign it a unique key which you may use for referencing your data.


Array Syntax:

An Array is defined ().

Associative Arrays Syntax


key = Specifies the key (numeric or string)

value = Specifies the value




echo “Student1 mark is” . $Marks[‘Student1’] . “ is eligible for qualification”;

echo “Student2 mark is” . $Marks[‘Student2’] . “ is not eligible for qualification”;



3. Multidimensional Arrays

A multidimensional array is an array containing one or more arrays.PHP understands multidimensional arrays that are two, three, four, five, or more levels deep. However, arrays more than three levels deep are hard to manage for most people.



// A two-dimensional array







echo $$student[0][0].”: Tamil Mark: “.$student [0][1].”. English mark: “.$student [0] [2].”<br>”;

echo $$student[1][0].”: Tamil Mark: “.$student [1][1].”. English mark: “.$student [1] [2].”<br>”;

echo $$student[2][0].”: Tamil Mark: “.$student [2][1].”. English mark: “.$student [2][2].”<br>”;


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