The modification of a software product, after
delivery, to correct faults, to improve performance or other
attributes, or to adapt the product to a changed environment.
Maintenance is an important part of the software
life-cycle. It is expensive in manpower and resources, and one of the aims of
software engineering is to reduce its cost.
The most important problem during maintenance is the
before correcting or modifying a program, the programmer must first understand
The problems are:
- Often another person or group of persons working over the years
in isolation from each other writes the program.
- Often the program is changed by person who did not understand it
clearly, resulting in a deterioration of the program's original organization.
- There is a high staff turnover within information technology
industry. Due to this persons who are not the original authors maintain many
systems. These persons may not have adequate knowledge about the system.
Some problems
only become clearer when a system is in use. Many users know what they want but
lack the ability to express it in a form understandable to programmers. This is
primarily due to information gap.
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