Electrical conductivity of semiconductor changes appreciably with temperature
variations. At absolute zero, it behaves as an insulator. At room temperature,
because of thermal energy, some of covalent bonds of the semiconductor break.
The breaking of bonds sets those electrons free, which are engaged in the
formation of these bonds. This results in few free electrons. These electrons
constitute a small current if potential is applied across the semiconductor
crystal. This shows the conductivity for intrinsic semiconductor increases with
increase in temperature as given by η = Aexp (− E g / 2kt )
where η is the carrier
concentration, Eg is the band gap, T is the
temperature and A is constant. In case of extrinsic semiconductors, addition of
small amount of impurities produces a large number of charge carriers. This
number is so large that the conductivity of an extrinsic semiconductor is many
times more than that of an intrinsic semiconductor at room temperature. In n -
type semiconductor all the donors have donated their free electrons, at room
temperature. The additional thermal energy only serves to increase the thermally
generated carriers. This increases the minority carrier concentration. A
temperature is reached when number of covalent bonds that are broken is large,
so that number of holes is approximately equal to number of electrons. The
extrinsic semiconductor then behaves like intrinsic semiconductor.
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