What is the difference between fasteners, bolts and screws?
Fastener is a general
term to describe something which is used as a restraint for holding things
together or attaching to other things.
The main physical
distinction between screws and bolts is that screws are entirely full of
threads while bolts contain shanks without threads. However, a better
interpretation of the differences between the two is that bolts are always
fitted with nuts. On the contrary, screws are normally used with tapped holes.
What is the
function of washers when using bolts?
The purpose of installing
washers in a typical bolting system is to distribute the loads under bolt heads
and nuts by providing a larger area under stress. Otherwise, the bearing stress
of bolts may exceed the bearing strength of the connecting materials and this
leads to loss of preload of bolts and creeping of materials. Alternatively,
flanged fasteners instead of using washers could be adopted to achieve the same
What is the
difference between normal bolts and high friction grip bolts?
High friction grip bolts
are commonly used in structural steelwork. They normally consist of high
tensile strength bolts and nuts with washers. The bolts are tightened to a
shank tension so that the transverse load across the joint is resisted by the
friction between the plated rather than the bolt shank's shear strength.
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