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Chapter: Clinical Cases in Anesthesia : Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

What are the complications of CPR?

Complications of CPR include skeletal injuries, espe-cially rib fractures, visceral injuries, airway injuries, and skin and integument damage (skin, teeth, lips).

What are the complications of CPR?


Complications of CPR include skeletal injuries, espe-cially rib fractures, visceral injuries, airway injuries, and skin and integument damage (skin, teeth, lips). Less than 0.5% of the complications are considered life-threatening. These include injuries to the heart and the great vessels. However, a significant number of complications could be expected to require therapy and prolong the hospitalization. These include rib and sternal fractures, myocardial and pul-monary contusions, pneumothorax, blood in the pericar-dial sac, tracheal and laryngeal injuries, liver and spleen ruptures, and gastric perforation and dilatation.

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Clinical Cases in Anesthesia : Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation : What are the complications of CPR? |

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