Types of Scientific Research
Depending on the purpose of research,
scientific research projects can be grouped into three types: exploratory,
descriptive, and explanatory.Exploratory research is often
conducted in new areas of inquiry, where the goals of the research are: (1) to
scope out the magnitude or extent of a particular phenomenon, problem, or
behavior, (2) to generate some initial ideas (or 'hunches') about that
phenomenon, or (3) to test the feasibility of undertaking a more extensive
study regarding that phenomenon. For instance, if the citizens of a country are
generally dissatisfied with governmental policies regarding during an economic
recession, exploratory research may be directed at measuring the extent of
citizens' dissatisfaction, understanding how such dissatisfaction is
manifested, such as the frequency of public protests, and the presumed causes
of such dissatisfaction, such as ineffective government policies in dealing
with inflation, interest rates, unemployment, or higher taxes. Such research
may include examination of publicly reported figures, such as estimates of
economic indicators, such as gross domestic product (GDP), unemployment, and
consumer price index, as archived by third-party sources, obtained through
interviews of experts, eminent economists, or key government officials, and/or
derived from studying historical examples of dealing with similar problems.
This research may not lead to a very accurate understanding of the target
problem, but may be worthwhile in scoping out the nature and extent of the
problem and serve as a useful precursor to more in-depth research.
Descriptive research is directed at making
careful observations and detailed documentation of a phenomenon of
interest. These observations must be based on the scientific method (i.e., must
be replicable, precise, etc.), and therefore, are more reliable than casual
observations by untrained people. Examples of descriptive research are
tabulation of demographic statistics by the United States Census Bureau or
employment statistics by the Bureau of Labor, who use the same or similar
instruments for estimating employment by sector or population growth by
ethnicity over multiple employment surveys or censuses. If any changes are made
to the measuring instruments, estimates are provided with and without the
changed instrumentation to allow the readers to make a fair before-and-after comparison
regarding population or employment trends. Other descriptive research may
include chronicling ethnographic reports of gang activities among adolescent
youth in urban populations, the persistence or evolution of religious,
cultural, or ethnic practices in select communities, and the role of
technologies such as Twitter and instant messaging in the spread of democracy
movements in Middle Eastern countries.
Explanatory research seeks explanations of
observed phenomena, problems, or behaviors. While descriptive
research examines the what, where, and when of a phenomenon, explanatory
research seeks answers to why and how types of questions. It attempts to
'connect the dots' in research, by identifying causal factors and outcomes of the
target phenomenon. Examples include understanding the reasons behind adolescent
crime or gang violence, with the goal of prescribing strategies to overcome
such societal ailments. Most academic or doctoral research belongs to the
explanation category, though some amount of exploratory and/or descriptive
research may also be needed during initial phases of academic research. Seeking
explanations for observed events requires strong theoretical and interpretation
skills, along with intuition, insights, and personal experience. Those who can
do it well are also the most prized scientists in their disciplines.
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