Engineering College Final Year project , Electrical and Electronics Department,Electronics and communication Department, Embedded Department (EEE Dept , ECE Dept., E&I Dept )
- A Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication Protocol for Cooperative Collision Warning
- Dish Position Controlling and Monitoring System Used for Radar & Other Telecommunication Applications
- RF based Code Modulation - Decryption & Encryption for Secured Wireless Communication with OFDM
- Development of Smart Notice Board - Active Information Display Systems
- A Miniaturized Mote for Wireless Sensor Network
- Development of pedestrian-to-vehicle communication system prototype for pedestrian safety using both wide-area and direct communication
- Car-to-Car Communication
- A Computerized Travel Aid for the Active Guidance of Blind Pedestrians
- A Design of A Prototypic Hand-Talk, Assistive Technology for the Deaf
- A Distributed, Adaptive Protocol for Handling Interference in Wireless Communications
- Enabling / Disabling & Wireless Control of Appliances & Devices using RF Technology
- Fully Automatic Intelligent Wireless Remote Railway Gate Controller & Monitoring System with Remote Train Stopper for Railway using Active RF Id System
- Machine-to-Machine Communication in Cellular Networks
- Reduction of Disturbance Effects and Sustained Oscillation using Multi-Sensor Implementing Wireless Communication
- Remote Communication Devices for Electric Utility Applications, Electric Power Conference
- Remote Mobile Phone Motor Starter for Irrigation Purpose
- Wireless Automatic Traffic Signaling System
- Wireless Intrusion Detection, Electronic Security & Control System using Central Monitoring System
- Wireless Telemetry for Line Data Transmission on A Mobile Unit
Study Material, Lecturing Notes, Assignment, Reference, Wiki description explanation, brief detail
Engineering College Final Year project , EEE ECE EI Dept Department Idea Report download : LIST OF IEEE COMMUNICATION PROJECT TITLES 2018-2019 |